Friday, May 22, 2009

Diane Keaton

Diane Keaton

“If you go where you’ve always been, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” Diane Keaton said last night at Orchestra Hall in Mpls, MN for the Smart Talk series.

Diane Keaton should know, she has been to a lot of places. From movie star and singer to photographer and real estate developer, Keaton has been everywhere.

Dorothy Dean Keaton Hall is on the fat left.

Keaton talked about her life travels, focusing on the rediscovery of her mother, Dorothy Dean Keaton Hall, through her mother’s journals. Using film clips of her mother, Keaton shared her insights with the audience.

Crediting her mother as the reason for her “luck” in life, Keaton traced her career backwards in time until she landed on the support and encouragement of her mother.

“My mother was the foundation for my convoluted belief to be a movie star.”

Annie Hall

The support she received from her mother has resulted in 36 movies, an Oscar, a BAFTA Award, two Golden Globe Awards and numerous other awards and achievements.

“One of the most important people in a woman’s life is her mother.”

Diane Keaton with her son, Duke

Keaton also talked about her experiences with being a single mother, adopting her first child at the age of 50. Her advice for women thinking of motherhood later in life was, “Get help.”

Commenting on age discrimination and women becoming invisible with age, Keaton said she realized she was getting older when a man looked straight through her for the first time. It’s a realization that makes most women dress “age appropriate” and start accepting limitations, but not Diane Keaton. At 57 years old, Keaton’s nude scene in the film, “Something’s Gotta Give” proved that older woman can be sexy, and very, very visible! At the age of 60, she became the new face of Loreal, challenging the idea that only youth is beautiful.

The New Face of Loreal

The only question now is, where will Diane Keaton be when she’s 70? Someplace she’s never been.

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